Thursday, May 29, 2008

one of those days

I swear can anything else go wrong first mt washer broke and weve only had for 3 yrs than this morning kev was on his way to work and someone hit him in the honda (hes alright) than i had to sign for a letter from the mail man and it was a letter saying that i needed to pay a med bill or it will go to collection which i knew i needed to pay i totally forgot about the bill she had called me and told me that i needed to pay about a month ago and i forgot to send off the check "WOW" whats sucks the most is that i havent been able to wash my clothes for 2 days and im not dragging to babys to the laundry mat so i hope the repair service guy will come soon like today cause 6 people in a house without a washing machine petty scary and this morning kirstin told me that it was pj day in her classroom they were having a party and i told her well why didnt i get a notice saying so she said she didnt get one which i knew was strange cause they always send a notice home when ther having a partys but she insisted that it was today and she had to where pjs so i was tired of arguing so i said go ahead where them and sure enough at 8:45 shes calling crying cause it wasnt the day they were having the party and she was embarresed so i had to wake up brittany&kaydin to take her clothes hopefully she will now listen to her mom i swear shes just like her dad when it comes to knowing it all anyhow hopefully my day will get better.


Unknown said...

sorry Shiree that is a crazy day. Hope Kev is alright, is the car trashed? I would die with out a washer, if you need to i know it is a long way, but you can come wash clothes here!