Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My son is so "WILD" he keeps smacking everything , screaming, crying, im going insane and everything to him is "YOU HURT ME" which is funny im hopeing when we go to the specialist we will get some answers but who knows. He has made alot of progress which is wonderful he does start speech therepy in july so im hopeing we can work work clearing his words up cause man if i only could understand him it would make it easier plus he always seems to have alot to say but most of the time i cant make out what hes trying to sayand he finally is saying 2-3 word sentence.
And miss brittany is just a character shes always smiling, laughing she just adores kaydin shes now crawling foward sometimes the bear crawl or she uses her arms and she quit the eater but still no teeth. She definently has her own personality the only thing similaer is her cry she screams like courtney exspecially if shes mad "WOW" anyhow i better go tend to kaydin