Monday kev and Derek worked in rainier which is i feel the most gettoist place ever its worse than down town Seattle at night vs rainier in the middle of the day anyhow kev came out to go get something out of his truck when he noticed someone in the back of his work truck than proceeded to yell at whomever it was and kev said he scared the crap out of them and they jumped out of the truck and than he discovered there was somebody in the cab of the truck as well so he pleaded with the men to please not take his wallet and one of the men threatened to shoot kev if he got closer but they ended up taking the stereo and ran off and kev called the police and the cops found them down the road and arrested them both and they happened to both be minors and they didn't have a gun but kev said that day he decided not to take his 45 which he also told me he usually leaves in the cab of the truck which i am now grateful he didn't take it that day because they couldve used it on him and Derek missed the whole incident because he was upstairs of the house they were working on. So kevs next mission is to get his concealed weapons permit and bro-terry said he might be able to get it so well see that really scared me to think kev could have lost his life if he had taken his own gun that day Ive told him i wish he would stop working in rainier Ive been there once and told kev i would never go there again that place is scary the day i went there i man got murdered the day before like three houses down i lived in the ghetto but this place is beyond the ghetto if your not a thug,homeless,drug dealer than you better see your way out cause most likely there gonna rob you or shoot you the police told kev he would nt of cared if kev would have shot them he said the crime is overwhelming
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Well kaydin and i did the 48 hr in patient EEG testing at Mary bridge and it was boring very boring but in the same sense relaxing. He had about 20 wires hooked to his head plus they put respiratory and heart monitors on him while he slept and every time he would fall asleep the respiratory machine kept going off cause his breathing was low but they said nothing worry about but all wait to ask his Doctor at the end of this month and they couldn't tell me if he has any seizers cause the Doctor said the computer has organize all the data cause their so much than it goes threw a process than the doctors have to look at it than they will call me in about 2 weeks if they find anything. Plus he has a neurology appt on the 29th of this month and the nurses were great and they have great volunteers and Julie terry called me and told me next time if i know kaydins going to Mary bridge to let her know before hand and she will make sure she comes to pay a visit the reason is they had a schedule of what was gonna be going on this month and it said "clown visit" so i assumed it was Julie terry cause i know she comes to Mary bridge ive seen her there so mom called her and she called me and said she had no idea she was scheduled to be there but anyhow i thought that was very sweet of her and some little old Lady's came around with hand made quilts and stuffed animals and kaydin got a beautiful quilt and two stuffed animals plus they gave him and boat&sand table brand new still in the box they said they cant use it and someone donated it and they said since kaydin liked boats they wanted him to have it so that was cool and the woman next to my room came over and said hi and shes a foster mom and her foster son was having the same test she said shes in the process of adopting him he was 2 yrs old and she already has 13 children 5 of which she gave birth to but the others are adopted and 4 with disabilities she gave me resources to get 400 free pull-ups a month she said if your child had a diagnoses you get free dypers and she said she had more resources and gave me her number and e-mail so i could get them i thought she was an amazing woman taking in all those kids and she so upbeat i asked her how she does it with 4 kids with disabilities she said she just does "its life" 3 of them have mild retardation but only 7 are at home at the rest are grown up and moved out have great jobs and her daughter is in collage going to be a physical therapist so she and her husband must have did a great job raising them.
Heres my sucky part of my stay Derek forgot to transfer money into the account for the paychecks and we got payed on the 30 of September which was a Tuesday and he didn't transfer money until Saturday so Monday while I'm at the hospital i go and try to purchase a cranberry juice and my card was declined so i called the bank I'm $1,100 in the whole and they told me kevs pay role check was returned so yeah I'm still pissed and my house payment bounced,my power bill bounced and its Thursday and the check still hasn't cleared and of course Derek apologized but I'm still mad not to mention i will have fees but kev said that kdp will pay Ive had to rely and mom and dad to help buy me gas,dypers and food and I'm so lucky to have a friend like like Amy who came up Tuesday and brought kaydin coloring books,candy,snacks,and toys to have fun with and she brought me Starbucks yeah i know shame on me and oh yeah she brought her great sense of humor and we hammed it up and we gossiped well we made a point to when we realized we weren't cause some people think that me and amy gossip but we don't i wont say who said that even tho who said it is one of the biggest behind your back crap talker anyhow i could care less we just thought it was humorous so we try ed to find things to gossip about but really couldn't anyhow over all besides the money deal Mary bridge was so great to kaydin and i they were so nice and they really do care about the kids and kaydin did great specially since he had to be in the bed for two days but having toys helped plus they had 5 different channels of cartoons
Posted by shiree at 8:09 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
bike is gone
Well i sold my bike saturday and bought kev this gun hes been wanting for his birthday im kinda sad about my bike but kev said we will buy me another one next summer and we are also thinking about moving back to bonneylake so we will see what happens after we refinance our house were a little worried we might have issues with refinancing it but were praying we wont but if so we will just sell it anyhow we wanting to move back for so many reasons saving money is a big one, and we want to be closer to our family&friends and we truley miss our old ward so i hope everything will work out for us
Posted by shiree at 12:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Well yesterday "my" family came over a few didnt make it but its OK it was nice to be around just my family we don't normally get together so yeah my cousin Kimmy told me she might have a tumor in her kidney which could be cancerous, and that's another thing that might being in her way of getting prego so i guess she will find out hopefully soon. Im just glad we "all" got together and cached up on stuff and reminisced about the old days and i hope we continue to keep in touch more often
Posted by shiree at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
kaydins appt
Well today is the long awaited appt. with the neurologist and i found out finally why he is the way he is he has two of the same cromozones so everything makes sense now and she told me that he might have slight heart issues but we will find out shes having me set up appt. with the oncology, and the cardiology pediatrician so we can get more answers and i have to take him to the hospital for his eeg test on October 6th the Doctor made it clear its important she said she thinks he could possibly being having seizures like i thought cause of his staring off into space . I thanked her and i started to cry a little because i feel like Ive waited it feels like forever to get some kind of answers i kinda felt stupid for crying but i was kinda relieved to finally know whats wrong kev did some research and i guess were lucky to have got kaydin into therapy when we did cause alot of parents didnt have that advantage and there kids situation was worse by not getting the help they needed anyhow here is some info so people can know and i dont have to repeat myself to everyone.
Information about the Potocki-Lupski (dup17p11.2) Syndrome
Individuals with the genetic condition designated as dup(17)(p11.2p11.2) (OMIM# 610883), or dup 17p carry extra genetic information (known as a duplication) on the short arm of chromosome 17.
Each cell of the body should have 23 pairs of chromosomes (22 numbered chromosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes; XX for females and XY for males) that contain the complete genetic information (genome) for the individual. When the egg and sperm cells are formed, the pairs of chromosomes are separated in a process called meiosis, so that each egg or sperm contains only one copy of each chromosome. Errors that occur during this process can result in genomic imbalances such as missing or extra genetic material. These imbalances can cause genetic syndromes that are associated with a wide variety of clinical outcomes.
Many genetic syndromes that were first described on the basis of clinical findings were later found to be caused by genomic imbalances. New high-resolution laboratory tests—known as chromosome microarray analysis or CMA can now detect these genomic imbalances even when a particular syndrome is not suspected.
Two distinct conditions result from errors in meiotic recombination involving the short arm of chromosome 17. Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS – OMIM #182290) is caused by a deletion, or loss of genetic material, on one copy of chromosome 17. This well-known syndrome is associated with developmental delay, mental retardation, congenital anomalies such as heart and kidney defects, and neurobehavioral abnormalities such as severe sleep disturbances and self-injurious behavior.
For every chromosomal deletion, there exists a reciprocal chromosomal duplication. Although the genomic mechanism for the deletion and duplication is the same, the clinical features of individuals are different. These duplication syndromes have their own distinct clinical features and should not be confused with the deletion syndromes.
Duplication of chromosome 17p11.2 – Potocki-Lupski syndrome (PTLS) (OMIM# 610883) is a newly recognized genetic condition with only a few dozen cases reported in the medical literature. Patients who have this duplication often have low muscle tone, poor feeding, and failure to thrive during infancy, and also present with delayed development of motor and verbal milestones. Many individuals who have PTLS have difficulty with articulation and language processing. In addition, patients may have behavioral characteristics similar to those seen in persons with autism or autism-spectrum disorders. Individuals with PTLS may have heart defects and sleep apnea. The facial features observed in PTLS are subtly similar between individuals but are not usually described as abnormal or striking by physicians.
While fewer than 50 persons with duplication 17p11.2 have been described in the medical literature, we know that this duplication is predicted to be observed in at least 1 in 20,000 individuals. Although PTLS is considered a “chromosomal” disorder, diagnosis is often missed on a routine chromosome analysis. Due to technological advances in cytogenetics, specifically the use of array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) for genetic diagnosis, microdeletions and microduplications can be detected with equal fidelity. Hundreds of chromosome segments can be analyzed at one time searching for chromosomal imbalances. We anticipate that many more individuals will be diagnosed with dup 17p11.2 as this testing is performed more routinely in persons with developmental delay, mental retardation, and/or autism spectrum disorder.
Posted by shiree at 4:52 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
As "one nation under God, with liberty (freedom) and justice (fairness) for all", the
government IS attempting to do it "God's way" with so much outreach.
Are we to choose for the government to now take a blind eye to God's wishes and stop it completely? And, yet so many emails are sent to fight to keep God involved, to defend Him.
So many want to have it both ways, to talk the talk, and that is so hypocritical.
Don't forget that God designed the entire world and splashed it with all colors.
He commands us to love one another. Period.
And that should reach well beyond these racist toned emails.
Nobody is above another, except for to lift another up.
Read all the way to the end.....the message is there!
I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it is, as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table,< /B> and next to the barbecue. Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table everywhere! Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket. And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at < style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 24pt; COLOR: teal; FONT-FAMILY: 'Kristen ITC'">all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food. After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio. Soon, the back yard was like it used to be. quiet, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.. Now let's see.< face="Tahoma"> Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, and free education and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen. Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; your child's 2nd grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English. Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to 'press one' to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than 'Old Glory' are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties. Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder. If you agree, pass it on; if not, continue cleaning up the poop
Posted by shiree at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
did the puyallup AGAIN!!!!!
We did the puyallup fair again we had to take the girls and wow i was pooped out by the time we were ready to leave we did rides pretty much the whole time since it was 1 per ride day which we definently took advantage of its a deal concidering that usually the tickets cost 88 cents a peice. The kids had a great time kev got sick from eating a fair burger and we met up with ted and becky and kev and te3d went on that turbo ride that right next to the sling shot ride i have pics but i cant get the computer to download the pics. I took kaydin on the haunted house ride(im such a mean mom) he freaked a little, he really doesnt like the rides so maybe next year he will like them. To top the night off we were on our wau home and i kept smelling poo it was so strong i knew something was wrong so i pulled into albertsons parking lot and kaydin decided he wanted to play in his poo(i about threw up) so i had to strip him nake din the parking lot and clean his hands with wipes while kev watched me of course. Anyhoo i think next year im only gonna go once to the fair cause man it costs an arm and a leg to eat or do anything. well better go do the mom thing
Posted by shiree at 5:18 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
puyallup fair
Well we decided to go to the fair with amy and arron yesterday and we had a blast when we first got there arron knew some guy that owned all those stands outside the fair so we got our food half off, and me and kev went on that big metal thing next to the cling shot ride the one you can see from the freeway and it was a thrill exspecially when they stop you at the very top which was a little freaky i personally think the ride we went on was and would be way better than the sling shot cause you get more action on the ride we went on (i cant remember the name) and it only cost us $15 for both verses $50 for the sling shot we tryed getting kaydin to go on rides but he would'nt he freaked and i think its because his first ride he was on was with arron,kev, and romeo on the bears and they spined that bear way fast and he freaked so every ride after that he didn't want to go on but he did walk threw the fun maze ride or whatever its called and he liked that it was funny when you have to walk threw the mirrors to find your way to the step he ran right into the mirror it was funny anyhoo me& amy went on 2 rides the last one amy picked and i felt sick but she was luvin it. I got to learn a little about mt.rainier and the lady told me im safe livin in yelm cause were high up so that was a relief to know she also told me we have 13 active mountians in the cascades we also saw kevs cousin darin he was workin and he gave us some hats and let kaydin climb on the tracters and he watched the kiddos while we went on the ride. Poor amy was sore from walking forever! Well on our way out we stopped at the stands that arron knew who the owner was (rex) and he gave us some free cotton candy and some warm scones mmmmmmmmmmmm! i never had a fair scone hummmmy. Well we have to do this all over on monday cause the girls didn't go cause they were with there nana&papa in Vancouver so were taking them on monday cause it s $1 per ride day which is cheap cause otherwise you pay $15 for 20 tickets which wont get my family far since it takes 4-5 tickets for each ride. Im glad we have such great friends that we can always have fun with anyhow better get off we need to go to church today!
Posted by shiree at 10:36 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
hair cut
Well today i couldn't take it anymore Ive been contemplating on getting kaydin a Mohawk hair cut because i think there soooooooooooooooooooo cute on little boys (well the suddle ones) so i took him to the salon and finally did it i didn't do a drastic one he still has hair on the sides so when i get sick of it the hair stylist said it will be an easy fix. Kev wasn't to trilled at first nor April but i think he looks cute kev says every time he sees kids with a Mohawk he thinks there parents are drug's but whatever i tryed to post pics but my batteries went dead so ill post some tomorrow.
Well hopfully tommarow we will get to go to alder lake and just go put around and do whatever the girls are with nana in vanvouver untill sunday so we only have 2 kiddos
Posted by shiree at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
our camping trip

Posted by shiree at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
my sister
Well its been great having my sister here i felt like weve had fun while shes been here we have gottin to do alot of stuff and i got her working out which she loves its to bad that she wont have the oppertunity back in Ohio to work out. Weve had alot of fun with the toys an did finally have gottin the hang of the raptor and my sis loves the go-kart i hope she will be able to come back next summer and hopefully she will be able to stay the whole summer the girls keep telling me there gonna miss there aunt veronica when shes gone but there not the only ones i will miss her as well. One thing i didn't get to do was take her to Seattle but i really don't like Seattle anymore theres just to many bums to go without kev the bums are getting bolder and more out of control than ever kev got approached in federal way yesterday and the bum was getting aggressive demanding kev to give him money or buy him food kev got irritated and told him to get a job but of course derek have in and gave him money. Anyhow better go only have today to spend with my sis than were off to the airport tonight.
Posted by shiree at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
the dentist
Oh my gosh i went to the dentist yesterday and i have to say i have never been treated so badly before i had to get a tooth taken out that a had a root canal done on 3 yrs ago cause it was breaking off and causing me pain so yeah the dentist was seriously yanking on my mouth for a god 45 min its sucked and a could times he hit my other teeth while pushing on the one he was trying to get out which hurt even after him giving me the shot 5 times i could still feel him i could feel my jaw shifting like craaaaaaaaazy and he had my nose and lip stretched to the limit and he kept pinching my lip it hurt so bad he was really having a hard time getting it out not to mention he had to cut my gums on each side i felt he didn't care that he was being so aggressive i have never been treated like that ever i wanted to just get up and leave not to mention i kept praying that he would be done and i feel i can take alot of pain but WOW and his thug kid assistant couldn't even give me a x-ray after 6times of trying it was craaaaaaaaaaaazy I'm never going there again someone told kev about this place that they had great deals and good service what a crock of crap i was so pissed when i left not to mention how they treated my sister they got pissed cause kaydin knocked over a vase on the coffee table that had water in it WELL HELLO putting a vase with water in it on the table at children's reach is kinda stupid anyhow i hopefully will be all heeled by the time i have to do the baby shower
Posted by shiree at 8:16 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
4th of july
We had a nice time we got there on the 3rd we stayed at paradise beach and that was the first time ive been to that area of the beach It was a nice camp ground and we didn't have to stand in line to take a shower anyhow i got to ride my toy allot and I'm getting good at it. On the 4th we went to the pine baseball game in bay center it was fun we got to see all the family and we got to ride the toys again i got to see lots of new baby's that i didnt know existed after all of that fun we went to the beach to get settled in for the fireworks and food we had some fun but it was way smokey and we ended up leaving early cause the sulfur was getting to be to much for the baby's eyes so we got back hoping to get some sleep and the house right above the camp ground was having a party and they must have decided to some threw our camp ground to get to the beach and also decided they were gonna make as much noise as possible and throw things at our cars and they ended up waking me and the baby several time so when we were getting ready to leave kev decided that we were gonna go in front of there house and honk the horn cause we assumed they would have a hang over it was funny kev honked and than yelled this is for waking my 8 month old at 3am, and than he honked again saying this is for throwing stuff at our cars, and than he honked some more saying i hope you all have hang overs it was funny one guy was looking at him threw the window anyhow i think they got the drift we were not happy about being woke up several times threw out the night. We decided next year were gonna rent a house for the weekend out on long beach i told mom(april) that i would rather rent a house instead of camping it would just be easier so that the plan for next year.
hope everyone had a great 4th
Posted by shiree at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Tomarrow im picking up my sister from the airport and shes staying for a month i havent seen her since 2005 i cant believe that shes 15 already. I know shes excited casue her step mom/aunt keeps her locked like a prisoner shes not aloud to do much or go anywhere, and im soooooooooooo excited about going to the beach and arron&kev finally fixed my bike saturday so we will be taking that down to have fun with as well as our dumebuggy/gokart kevs friend has one of those enclosed trailers and told kev he could use it so now we dont have to worry about leaving them at the camp spots in the wide open. Hopefully everyone will get along with eachother and no-one will break our toys cause i dont want to put anymore money into the toys anyhow better go gotsta clean clean clean
Posted by shiree at 9:25 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
my birthday
Well wedsnday was my birthday and i had a good day kev didnt have to work. Kev watched the kids earlier in the day so i could go roller blading than he took me shopping, and than he took me out to dinner at famous daves and april and bob joined us it was nice i do know that vinces is one of my favs but for now its definently famous daves just thinking about it rite now is making me hungry. Kirstin is so sweet the morning of my birthday she looks at me and says "mom since its your birthday how about we just do whatever you want to do" i thought that was sweet. anyhow and yesterday was our 9 yr annaversary "WOW" can you believe we made it LOL! Im starting to feel old. Anyhow today is brittanys wekk baby check so im anxious to find out how much she weighs.
Posted by shiree at 6:42 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
update on kaydins appointment
Well i did find maybe the reason why he has thoses wered eye issues is he could be having siesures but we wont find out for sure until he see the nueroligist and am hopeing to get him asap since thats what doc.tripp wants and dr tripp doesnt think hes autistic and said most people mistake developmental delay for having autism he said hes also going to have him see another doc from uw and they will be calling me and there gonna do testing and were also gonna do some testing with the neurologist so anyhow they said if hes having these seizures that will cause him to degress but they have meds that can help so thats pretty much the downlow dr tripp told me stopp worring about his weight and hieght he said hes right in between the scale for his progression and he reasured me that we will eventually find whats wrong with kaydin he told me theres always a reason for a child being developmental delayed sometimes the doc dont have the technology to figure it out right away but he said we will find out
so hopefully sooner than later
Posted by shiree at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
the twins maggie&carolynn


Posted by shiree at 8:22 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
brittanys new tooth
Yesterday i relized brittany got her first tooth very exciting most likely there will be more to follow caus eall my kids when one comes in they will all start coming in fast. She still really crabby and about 2 weeks ago she started pulling herself up onto stuff, I have this laundry basket in my bathroom that i put her in while i take a shower so kaydin doesnt do anything to her while im taking a shower well shes been oulling herself up using the sides its so cute and the way she looks at me with that big grin shes so proud that she can do that its so cute anyhow i better go to bed church tommarow. HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT FATHER'S DAY
Posted by shiree at 12:13 AM 2 comments
update on twins
Well i went today instead of yesterday cause kev got home later than i thought so visiting hrs were over anyhow i got to touch noth babys and i got there names mixed maggie is the bigger oine and caroline is the smaller one to me they look like jared and they are infact identical the way im able to tell the difference is there in seperate beds and the fact that caroline is a pound smaller. There both so adorable and they both are blondies caroline is in an inkubater cause i guess she can't keep her body temp up enough but maggie in the regular bed but she's having issues with eating so becky told me there gonna be in there for about a week maggie the bigger one might be able to come home earlier. I wanted to hold them so bad but i couldn't it made me so sad to see all those babys in there that would be so hard to have to leave your baby in the hospital im so greatful that all my babys were term and healthy i seen a baby thats been there since april/18/2008 he was crying and his mommy wasn't there i just wanted to go over and pick him and comfort him. Becky is doing so great they said she willbe ready to go home tommarrow but its hard for her to leave the babys. Anyhow i forgot to take my camra so im hoping to go up tommarrow and see the babys and take pics mom has great pics of the babys anyhow all is well.
Posted by shiree at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
becky had the twins
well the twin girls are finally here so heres the downslow becky went in this morning for her regular checkup and to her suprise she was dialated to 5 cm so she went to the hospital and she delivered caroline at 3:57 p.m. weighing in at 5p,13ou. and maggie was born at 3:59 p.m. weighing in at 4p,10ou mom said they both have alot of hair and beckys doing great she had to have an epidural in case they had to an emergeancy c-section. She had to deliver maggie breech and they are both in the nursary so they can be watched and jared said they wont be coming out right away. Im going up as soon as keven gets here so all take pics and post them later.
Posted by shiree at 5:20 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My son is so "WILD" he keeps smacking everything , screaming, crying, im going insane and everything to him is "YOU HURT ME" which is funny im hopeing when we go to the specialist we will get some answers but who knows. He has made alot of progress which is wonderful he does start speech therepy in july so im hopeing we can work work clearing his words up cause man if i only could understand him it would make it easier plus he always seems to have alot to say but most of the time i cant make out what hes trying to sayand he finally is saying 2-3 word sentence.
And miss brittany is just a character shes always smiling, laughing she just adores kaydin shes now crawling foward sometimes the bear crawl or she uses her arms and she quit the eater but still no teeth. She definently has her own personality the only thing similaer is her cry she screams like courtney exspecially if shes mad "WOW" anyhow i better go tend to kaydin
Posted by shiree at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
people with issues
Can someone please tell me how a child can get a goose egg with a cut in the middle on the back of the head of it from a spaking i cant say who this happend to but i cant make sense of it
Posted by shiree at 10:26 AM 1 comments
Bumbo seats SUCK
Well i have officailly throwned ther bumbo seat in the garbage it all started wednsday i always have put the bumbo seat on the counter to feed brittany in it or all put her in it while im doin the dishes so i can be with her well wednsday i put her in it to do the dishes she was right next to me well she pushed her self back and fell right off the counter BACKWARDS i watched in slow motion i tryed reaching for her but it was to late she fell strait on her back still in the bumbo seat and she grazed her head on the kitchen chair on the way down she knocked the wind right out of her i thought for sure i was going to have to go to the er i felt like i could have prevented it bye putting her on the floor but like i said i was right there but it happend so fast well than i did some research about the bumbo seat i guess the same thing has happend to parents and ended up there kids had skull fractures and worse i feel very lucky that didnt happen and i will never recommend that anyone use this product cause even on the floor they could still tip themselfs over so now i will be purchasing a high chair (definently safer).
Posted by shiree at 10:15 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
ive been tagged
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1.just cme back to washington after being gone for
2.5 yrs. 2. Didnt have any kids
3.was workinh alot
4.partyin ALOT
5.not married
5 things on my to do list:
2. Get organized lol!
3. Lose 17 more pounds
4. get my yard done
5.wash my car lol.
favorite snacks/food:
2. mexican food
3. salad lol
4. Candy
5. cheese sticks
5 Things I would do if I was a billionaire:
1. Buy a bigger house
2. Pay off our bills
3. buy riding toys
4. buy april bob a new house
5. share the wealth
5 bad habits:
1. Unorganized
2. take diet pills
3. procrastinate on certian stuff
4. Am late alot
5. Too honest sometimes
5 places I have lived:
1. kent, WA
2. aubrun, WA
3. sumner, WA
4. east liverpool, ohio
5. Bonney Lake, WA
5 people I tag:1. jenn.2. Crystal B.3. nichole.4. kristen 5. rebecca.
Posted by shiree at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Well kev decided he wanted to smoe osme chicken after church today and well he must have forgotten about the smoker being off ok so the kirsl told there dad the tv shut off and so he relized it was because he left the smiker pugged in and it was to much on one oulet anyhoe so he goes out to unplug it ans notices that there is black smoke coming from the bottom of the smoker so he lifts it up and the smoker had burned a whole in the front porch and it was still burning "PRETTY SCARY" so needles to say we have to replace some wood and the smoker will not be on thr concrete when used good thing that happend with the tv or it could have been worse cause we all know how forgetfull keven is lol!
Ive also come the conclusion after i finish my tanning packeag i wont be going tanning anymore cause there is a guy in our ward (josh johnston) whos face looked realy burnt today in sacrament so kev asked him what happend and he said he has skin cancer and the treament did that to his face he said his skin cancer was from uva rays and the white spots on my skin could be sun damage that how his started out at least thats what kev told me that he had told him anyhow on that note ive just decided maybe tanning once a week is not a good idea. Well gotta go pester my hubby
Posted by shiree at 10:22 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
one of those days
I swear can anything else go wrong first mt washer broke and weve only had for 3 yrs than this morning kev was on his way to work and someone hit him in the honda (hes alright) than i had to sign for a letter from the mail man and it was a letter saying that i needed to pay a med bill or it will go to collection which i knew i needed to pay i totally forgot about the bill she had called me and told me that i needed to pay about a month ago and i forgot to send off the check "WOW" whats sucks the most is that i havent been able to wash my clothes for 2 days and im not dragging to babys to the laundry mat so i hope the repair service guy will come soon like today cause 6 people in a house without a washing machine petty scary and this morning kirstin told me that it was pj day in her classroom they were having a party and i told her well why didnt i get a notice saying so she said she didnt get one which i knew was strange cause they always send a notice home when ther having a partys but she insisted that it was today and she had to where pjs so i was tired of arguing so i said go ahead where them and sure enough at 8:45 shes calling crying cause it wasnt the day they were having the party and she was embarresed so i had to wake up brittany&kaydin to take her clothes hopefully she will now listen to her mom i swear shes just like her dad when it comes to knowing it all anyhow hopefully my day will get better.
Posted by shiree at 12:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
unexspected nice day
I was in shock to wake up to sunshine that was a nice suprise well today was samuals 1st birthday party it was ok i was kindoff getting board but oh well samual got some cool stuff but of course our present was the best lol! he had a cool dr suess pinyatta a friens of theres made it it was "HUGE" but it really was huge and we had a small bbq.
Anyways other than that it was a boaring day we went over and visted amy and arron for a little bit and amy was telling me all about the water park i wish would have bben able to go but kev worked until 8:30 and didnt make it home until 10:30 hopefully me and kev will eventually get to take the kids but from the sounds of it its definently something you have to save money for from what amy was telling me anyhow im gonna quit rambling abo9ut my boaring day and go to bed.
Posted by shiree at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
pt.defiance Zoo
We went to the zoo today kaydins therepy center goes every year i thought that we were going on disability day but when i got there i noticed a bunch of elementry kids and high school kids. We went last year but we went on disability day which i liked alot better than this time cause kaydin got pumbled by all the bigger kids and we didnt get to see very much there was to many kids, but kaydin did get to see the tiger,monkeys(he was very facinated by them),baluga whales,and the wallris which was funny cause i thought it would be cool to put him up against the glass and he freaked "he said no and said he hurt me it was funny his eyes got all big when it brushed up against the glass. I have decided that woodland zoo is still my favorite, and i want to take the kids to the nw trek zoo hopefully sooner than later. all in all i think kaydin enjoyed most of his day there minus being trampled on well gotta go work out.
Posted by shiree at 5:51 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
so brittany is now crawling but scoots backwards and shes figured how to role her way around as well its so cute she was doing it on my bed.
Posted by shiree at 10:49 PM 1 comments
Well lately iv been struggling with kaydins behavior i dont know how to deal with it hes been throwing huge tantrums when he doesnt get what he wants or if he wants something he doesnt ask he starts crying and freaking out on me and if i dont give it to him in seconds its like he screams and just freaks and he does this with everything i dont know what to do and i dont get into the developmental specialist until june 16th and hopefully i get my medical back.
Posted by shiree at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
the beach
So we went to the beach saturday it was spontaneous i went and worked out in the morning and kev bet that i would be gone forever but i ws back by 10am and told him lets go to the beach he really didnt want to go at first cause he didnt want to spend the money to go but once we got going he was excited about going it was definently a day of fun we made some stops on the way there went to this oyster shop and courtney and kev did oyster shooters (yuk) kev had like 5 shots and there cheap you buy the shot glass for $4 and every shot after that is only $1 and i got a cup of clam chowder and i have to say it was the best clam chowder i ever had the clams were fresh and were not all chewy and rubbery anyhow we stopped and did a little shopping in aberdeen and than we finally made it to ocean shores and we decided to get a motel room cause it was already 3:30 and than we went to get dinner, and headed to get a kite and beach goodies and went to the beach the girls have quet the shell collection now and kev finally has a kite and after that we decided to go bowling and it was fun even kaydin bowled which was very cute. Well im so glad that we spontaneuosly went to the beach cause it was so much fun and the weather couldnt have been any better and the veiw from our room was beautiful just spending time with my family and getting away from all the worldly activities made me remember how blessed i am to have such a beautiful family and i hope we get to this more often i liked that it was just us we were able to just do whatever we wanted.
Weve made some goals for this summer to do things like going to sea side, and do 2 hikes i cant wait to hiking to high rock its so beautiful there yoiu can see 3 of our mountains when you get to the top, and the other hike is undecided. well i better go to bed. i will post some pics tommarrow
Posted by shiree at 11:34 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
mothers day
well amy&arron spent the night saturday and kev&arron of course stayed up until 2:30 am CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY and kept wakeing me up (burgers) than when kev decided to come to bed he wanted me to look at something so i woke myself up and he got me a digital photo frame i was excited and for most of day kev did evething i thought that was really sweet anyhow we went to bob&aprils and kev also got his mom a digital photot frame for mothers day he said if he had the money he would have bought all of his sis-in-laws one anyways his mom and dad had dinner ready for all of us and got us a box of seas candy and gift cards for mothers day(very sweet) im so greatful that i have such awsome parent in-laws.
Well this is where the day gets great so we decided we needed to get home so we were almost home and the girls wouldnt stop horsing around and wouldnt keep there seat belts on well when we got in the neighborhood kev was very mad he slammed the breaks on and well kirstin went flying over the seat and hit her face on the center consoul so than we had to rush her to the er and she was all jacked up she ripped the skin away from her gum on the bottom half of her mouth and the top she ripped her gums as well so she had to get stiches and lots of them so hopefully now she will always where her seat belt and kev felt so bad cause he didnt mean for that to happen he was crying cause he felt it was his fault she had to endure this well all is well now we got home around 3:30 am and we slept iun until 11:00 except kev he had to leave for owrk at 7:30 what a mothers day we wont forget
Posted by shiree at 11:20 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
baby shower
MyHotComments happy mothers day
MyHotComments happy mothers day
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Posted by shiree at 11:32 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I max theater
the i max theater was awsome im so glad i went now when we got there we got all of our popcorn,candy,and drinks for free and the grand canyon show was 3d it was great and after there was food and drinks all free plus on the way out they gave us each a gift bag from kohler which had $120.oo dollar shower heads plus $200 off in coupons to spend on kohler items which will benifit kev&derek were gonna put the shower heads in our showers anyhow i had a great time and ive decided next time they have any kid movies playing there in 3d im taking the kids they will love it! well gotta go to bed
Posted by shiree at 12:41 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
So yeah to day was craaaazy i was late to brittanys appt. cause i had to go pick up emily from school (and didnt know i had to pick her up until 15 min before i had to leave the house) cause her step mother(becky) wouldnt answer the phone which makes me soooooooooo mad anyhow i dont even want to go there so yeah than kev got our dishwasher home and got it all set up and its leaking out the side casue there is a piece broken from the inside so that sucked kev has to go tommarrow and is gonna tell them they better up grade for free and have it ready cause my husband drove the work truck home and HELLO gas is not cheap im so pissed off about it i swear my luck has been so crappy lately.
There is some good news beckys surgary went great they took a liter of fluid out of baby B and becky was measuring 37 weeks and now is measuring 32(and shes 30 weeks) WOW what a difference so she gets to come home tommarrow im so glad that the babys get to cook a little longer . And tommarrow me and kev are going to the i-max theater for a kohler event im excited i havent been to the i-max theater only thing i dont like is being around alot of people i dont know (yuppy people) and kev likes to run off and chit chat and leaves me hangin by myself which sucks anyhow im gonna go to bed now
Posted by shiree at 11:18 PM 0 comments
so im on my way to take brittany for 6mon shots were a little behind cause od medical change so hopefully all goes well and please keep becky and jared in your prayers cause today is surgary day they had to be there at 9am so lets hope the babys can cook a little longer anyway gotta go get ready
Posted by shiree at 9:07 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Well today i left kaydin at therapy for about 35 min cause carol his therapist has been telling me i need to let him stay by himself so i did cause last week i noticed that some of the kids who were left there did better without there parents. So anyhow i was asking carol (his therapist) if she thought kaydin might be autistic and she said no but shes not a docter but she told me i should go back to dr tripp the ped. developmental specialist instead of a regualr ped. i guess since hes already gone there when he was15 mon i dont have to get another referal she said that dr tripp never diagnosis anything on child on the first visit exspecially when there that young so i remember dr tripp telling me to come back but i forgot when he wanted me to come back anyhow (sometimes i just ramble) im gonna go see him instead. And im going to be getting his eyes checked cause one of his eyes wonders all wered and he does it alot thats another reason why i thought maybe he was autistic anyhow he did great at thereapy by himself so maybe all start leaving him once a week.
Posted by shiree at 4:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
new dishwasher
well yesterday we met the guy to get rid of the tub he tryed giving kev some story that he could only come up with $800 and kev said well thani cant sell it to you but the guy called back and said he had the money he said he had to borrow it but HELLO anyone that gonna fork out $900 for a tub is not broke people that struggle wouldnt buy a tub for that much considering you can buy a standard tub for $300-400 dollars and he knew exactly the tub we had i mean it a touch pad on the tub to ajust temp and airjets the tub is priced at $3,400 dollars if you were to buy anywhere else but since kev only paid $50 bucks for it we made a nice profet anyhow when we met up with him he was driving a brand new ford f-350 deisal so do i really need to say more i swear anyone whos in the real a state is so dis-honest its all about greed and makeing as much cash as they can. Anyhow so i purchased my new dishwasher yesterday at sears and i get ot tuesday thank goodness im married to a plumber lol! and kev got new game for his ps3 and we got that movie planit earth i didnt want to buy it casue it was exspensive but im glad now i got to watch a liitle last night and its so cool you guys so have to buy it its amazing how much i really didnt know about our earth and all the different animals that ive never even hered of anyhoe i better go for now i have to be at church at 1:00.
Posted by shiree at 11:47 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
dis-honest people
Some people shouldreally be ashamed of there selves kev,and derek did work for rainier builders 6 weeks ago and the man stilled hasnt payed up (owes 2,400) and keeps lying to kev about how he put in the mail and now wont return kevs calls ive even tryed to call so i told kev he needs to tell him either pay up or hes going to put a lean against the home they did work on its just crappy that this had to happen kev, and derek take pride on being honist about there work and there prices kev is always going the extra mile to make the customers happy.
anyhow other than that the day was alright me and kev made an agreament (which was kevs idea) that if he got to buy the surround sound i would get all the money for the tub we were selling so today i posted the tub on craigslist which the tub is so awsome i wish it would have fit in my bathroom well needless to say i sold it for $900.00 "yeah" for me I think i got the better deal cause kevs surround cost $464.oo so im excited im going to finally buy a new dishwasher which is well needed i swear i should be some kind of salesperson i seem to be good at it lateley.
Posted by shiree at 12:37 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
another WOW day
Well around 1pm i decided that it was time for me to go to wal-mart to get brittany some formula cause she was out so when i went to pay for a pic that i got developed my card wouldnt work it said i had maxed out my limit for the day on my debit and i knew i didnt cause i would have had to spend $500 dollars which i didnt so i called the bank and they told me that countrywide had drafted my account for my house payment twice so i had went over into my over draft $464 dollars cuase yesterday kev bought a surround sound (and just to let ya know if your thinking about getting a new tv thats the place to buy one they beat everyones prices) which went into our overdraft than i also had $150 dollars in overdraft fees thank goodness the bank is going waiver them so anyhow i guess when i was trying to pay my house payment online it went threw when i thought it didnt and i remember telling kev i was getting frustrated cuase i couldnt pay my house payment online (but somehow it went threw) so i did a over the phone payment so needless to say while i was on the phone in walmart parking lot trying to sort all of this mess out brittany was screeming her head off cause she was hungry cause all my money was in the bank i felt so bad she cryed for about 25 min. well there gonna put the money back into my account but it takes 24-48 buisness hrs which is soooooooooo stupid but thank goodness we have a becu account with a huge line of credit so we borrowed from it so i could get what i needed. Needless to say i will never try to pay online again there online system is screwy, and i made kaydins appointment to be tested for autism on the 9th of may.
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Posted by shiree at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
"WOW" what a day
Ok so today im so tired i didnt go to bed until 1:30 cause me and kev stayed up and watched a movie with our new ps3 kevs fasinated with the blue ray thing anyhow so miss brittany woke me up at 3:15 gave her bootle and she went back to bed thank goodness shes such an easy baby anyhow i tryed to go back to bed but my mind wouldnt stop sprouting out thoughts and etc.. needless to say i only god about 4.5 hrs of sleep and i had to take kaydin to therepy today which lately ive noticed that kaydin when he plays with his toys he takes all of the same kind of toy and lines in up in a perfect row and will do that for hrs everyday which to me is strange so i told kev i was going to ask his threapist about it and she said that is a sign of autism but she said she wasnt saying he had autism so that raised a thought with me that maybe so i did a little research on autism and there is similaritys in stuff kaydin does exspecially the toy thing, his speech, and stuff he just does in general so ive decided im gonna get him tested again he was tested when he was 15 mon which its hard to tell at that age kev disagrees with me he thinks im trying to put a label on my child but in a way i guess i am cause i want to know why my son has developmental delay about 6 weeks ago i asked carol kaydins therepyist what failur to thrive really is cause i just cany settle for (your child is slow) there is always a reason why a child has learning disabilitys so she tole me that all that means is that they dont really know what it is right now but in due time his issues will either vere off into a definition or it will stop so i thought im going to get him checked just to know to me its better than to keep wondering.
Posted by shiree at 11:11 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Ok well i guess i understood april wrong becky has to go in for surgery to take some of the fluid out that surrounding baby b but this procedure could put becky into labor so there was some mistood info anyhow on that note becky does go in fo rthe procedure next tuesday so hope all is well and i will pray for only good to be of this.
Posted by shiree at 5:12 PM 1 comments